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Hazlet Township Board
Hazlet Fire District #1
of Fire Commissioners
Notice to Bidders


Notice to Bidders


                PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the Commissioners of Fire District No. 1 in the Township of Hazlet, County of Monmouth, for Financing a tax-exempt Lease with an Option to Purchase fire apparatus, Ferrara Inferno 100’ foot mid-mount platform with pump, and related equipment. Said bids shall be called for and shall be received, opened, and read in public at the Hazlet Fire District No. 1 office, 812 Poole Ave., Suite A, Hazlet, NJ 07730, on Wednesday, September 18, 2024 at 11:00 am prevailing time.


                Said bids shall be hand-delivered at the time and place stated for receipt of said bids or mailed prior thereto. No bid shall be delivered or accepted after the date and hour as designated herin and the risk of timely receipt of mailed bids is on the bidder.  All bids through the mail shall be forwarded to Board of Fire Commissioners, Hazlet Fire District No. 1, 812 Poole Ave., Suite A, Hazlet, NJ 07730.


                The appropriate resolution, bid specifications, proposal, and other appropriate bid documentation relative to the aforementioned project may be obtained upon appropriate notice by prospective bidders during regular business hours from Michelle Barney, Administrative Clerk/QPA, 812 Poole Ave., Suite A, Hazlet, NJ 07730, mbarney@hazletfiredistrict.org.


                Bids shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope with the name and address of the bidder set forth on the outside thereof.  Said envelope shall denote BIDS FOR FINANCING A LEASE WITH AN OPTION TO PURCHASE FIRETRUCK or similar legend on the outside and shall be addressed to the Board of Fire Commissioner, Hazlet Fire District No. 1, 812 Poole Ave., Suite A, Hazlet, NJ 07730.


                The Commissioners of Fire District No. 1 in the Township of Hazlet, County of Monmouth, hereby reserve the right to reject any and all bids and further reserve the right to waive any insubstantial irregularities in any bid.


                                                                                                                BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF FIRE DISTRICT NO. 1